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The world has changed. The way we conduct business has changed dramatically in the last 5 years, but especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. To build a talented company you need to have talented individuals. In this conference, Graeme Codrington will talk about how talent can be rebooted and reborn.

Graeme is an expert on the new world of work and multi-generational workplaces. He speaks on the TIDES of change – the five disruptive forces shaping the new world of work in the next decade: Technology, Institutional change, Demographics, the Environment and shifting Social values.

Having the ability to see the world through other people’s eyes is critical to success in an increasingly diverse and globalized world.

Joining Graeme is Ahmad Marafi; the co-founder and CEO of CODED; the first coding academy in the Middle East. Creating the first coding academy requires a full understanding of the digital world and how it operates. The fact that Ahmad was able to create a first-of-its-kind digital academy that helped individuals master the skill of coding shows his ability to foresee the future.